Sunday, September 11, 2011

Colon Cleansing Foods

If you want to cleanse your colon naturally without the need for a colonic, then it is important that you eat a variety of raw vegetables that are high in fiber. The fiber content in raw vegetables serves as a "broom" that sweeps your colon and leaves it cleaner and healthier. One of the biggest problems with the modern diet is that it lacks fiber and primarily consists of processed sugar and flour products. When you eat these processed foods, they tend to stick to your colon walls and over time they can lead to health problems.

The fiber contained in raw vegetables serves as a natural way to cleanse the bowel and leave your body in a healthier state. You can also supplement this colon cleansing diet with fresh vegetable juices made from a juice machine. Go out and buy yourself a juicer and start making fresh fruit and vegetables juices in your own kitchen. You will find that you lose weight and feel better in a matter of weeks! It's really amazing how natural vitamins and minerals straight from Mother Nature can leave your body in better and healthier condition.

If you don't have any experience with a raw foods diet, don't worry - you can quickly adapt to this style of eating if you buy a raw foods cookbook and try to incorporate the recipes into your daily life. You will find that you have more energy for daily tasks if you start giving your system the fresh and vital vitamins minerals it needs through a raw foods diet. Good luck as you try to change your eating habits and "go raw," with all the future health benefits it can provide!