Organic cleansing diets that are free of caffeine, sugar, alcohol, gluten and animal products will work best. You should be able to increase your weight loss and clean out your system with a lemonade fast or juice fast. The key point to remember is that cleansing diets remove chemical and dietary toxins from the body. Your body naturally wants to rid itself of toxins - what you need to do is give it the necessary tools to help achieve this.
While cleansing programs vary widely, in the main, most eliminate caffeine, alcohol, sugar, processed foods and fast foods. Many exclude dairy, meat and wheat products as well. The strictest type are liquid fasts, and some of these programs also incorporate enemas, including coffee enemas. If you don't have experience with fasting or enemas, you may wish to consult with a naturopathic doctor in your area. Colonic irrigation is the next logical step when enemas are being considered.
One of the most popular cleansing regimens is the Master Cleanse, which was invented more than fifty years ago by natural health practicioner Stanley Burroughs. The Master Cleanse consists of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. People who do this cleanse drink the mixture throughout the day, whenever they feel hungry. The cayenne pepper is thought to purify the blood, and the maple syrup provides just enough calories to ward off hunger. The lemonade is believed to work in the liver to clean out toxins.
Lemons have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes and that there's a lot of history behind fasting for health. The Master Cleanse is a type of modified fast, and fasting for health has been used for thousands of years in all regions of the world. As a matter of fact, almost every religion on earth incorporates fasting in some way. In the modern world, cleansing diets have been used for decades. People who fast say they are able to lose weight, feel better, have fewer aches and pains and that their skin and hair looks healthier.
A fiber-rich diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy and plenty of water can clean your system out much better than most packaged fasts or juice fasts. Remember to eat simple, whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. At the end of the day, it's a very healthful way of eating, and you will lose weight by following this plan.